

Annual results 2022

Finance • 27 April 2023

After three years of distance reporting, 2023 saw a return to face-to-face conferences for the financial results. The move of Kaufman & Broad's headquarters to its new premises in Courbevoie in September 2022 provides the perfect opportunity to bring together analysts and journalists for this event.

An expected return to face-to-face meetings for this key event of the year

At a conference held on January 31 at Highlight, Kaufman & Broad’s new headquarters, the Group presented its results for 2022.

Nordine Hachemi (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Group), accompanied by Bruno Coche (Chief Financial Officer) and Bertrand Eyraud (Director of CSR and Innovation), presented the figures for 2022 (revenues, residential and commercial real estate, CSR, outlook, etc.).

For the past three years, Kaufman & Broad has been forced to present its results via videoconferences because of Covid. It was only a few months after its move to Courbevoie that the opportunity arose to invite the Group’s stakeholders to the presentation of the 2022 results, marking a return to the physicality of upcoming events.

This presentation, held in the auditorium of the Highlight Campus, allowed for a long-awaited return of journalists, analysts and investors who attended to find conviviality and a more direct exchange with the group’s representatives.

Solid performance despite a strained market

During his speech, Nordine Hachemi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Kaufman & Broad, presented the analyses and results for the past year.

The results announced confirm the Group’s ability to maintain a solid economic performance in a constrained environment. The forecast for the coming year is for a period of adjustment in the parameters of the housing market due to the rise in interest rates over the past twelve months.

To date, Kaufman & Broad is the only European developer with an Investment Grade rating, which attests to the quality of its financial structure. As a result, the Group has the capacity to adapt to this period thanks to its strong balance sheet and high level of backlog, and will be able to take advantage of market adjustments in the coming year.