Major urban projects
We assist
in the transformation
of the city
Our response to the expectations of communities is global and “tailor-made” to transform a project into a lively and vibrant neighborhood. We give the neighborhoods of tomorrow an environmental ambition, adding the notions of harmony for the city and fulfillment for its inhabitants.
Key figures
43% of the energy consumed in France is related to the building sector (source : Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des territoires)
23% of GHG emissions are related to buildings (source : Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des territoires)
95% of the French population lives in urban areas. The development of cities is a determining factor in economic and social evolution. (source : INSEE)
Our actions
New districts that mix uses, populations and generations
For a harmonious living environment

Local proximity by supporting local businesses

Environmental excellence
Through energy optimization, reduction of water and energy consumption, soft mobility, soil dewatering, preservation of biodiversity and intelligent programming in synergy with the environment
Speech by an expert

Our way of doing things
We accompany the transformation of cities.
Mastery of all urban planning and real estate professions, and recognized financial strength
A comprehensive and customized response at the neighborhood level
A partnership with local authorities based on listening and a relationship of trust with all stakeholders
We are a national player established in the heart of the territories
Meeting with our team
What is an urban planning process? Is it a global approach or a specific project that is reinvented each time?
We could answer that it is a global approach in the sense that we would never imagine working on a new district project without putting the environmental approach at the heart of the project! However, each project is the result of a tailor-made reflection, supported by studies, consultations with the local population, insights given by the cities, and of course, dealing with existing grounds with their history, their flora, their fauna and their specificities that are taken into account.
How to judge the success of a sustainable development project?
Beyond the obvious criteria strictly related to energy, ecology and biodiversity, it is important to ensure that the project will be the result of a transversal, concerted and sustainable approach. A district project will be able to respond to real needs, practices and uses through its transversality and the consultation carried out from the outset with all these actors and users. If we have succeeded in creating a sustainable district, where it is good to live together, thanks to its urban mix, its places of conviviality, its accessibility and its insertion in the landscape, then we will have succeeded in our project!
« Each project is the result of a tailor-made and shared reflection. »
What is the role of the environmental consultant?
A long and diverse chain of actors is mobilized in the framework of a territorial development operation. Our work as an environmental consultant is to provide education and coordinate the various expertise of all the stakeholders in the operation, to define the environmental perimeters of the project.
How to concretely set up a sustainable real estate project?
Our high environmental standards are at the heart of the way we work, and this is true for all Kaufman & Broad entities. We mobilize multidisciplinary teams of experts to meet the ambitions and specific needs of each urban project. We work with local authorities and cities to validate our proposals, in line with the wishes and real needs of citizens. We are then responsible for the long-term operational implementation of the strategy throughout the life cycle of the sustainable district, by promoting and communicating the results obtained and the achievement of objectives.
Our subsidiaries
Major urban projects

Aménagement & Territoires is Kaufman & Broad’s subsidiary serving local authorities in their development, transformation and construction projects.
Learn more