Kaufman & Broad was at the University of Mairies de l'Essonne at the Palais des Congrès in Massy.
This day is a unique and privileged opportunity for cities and territories to exchange, inform and reflect together on the city of tomorrow. It is also an ideal time to encourage the meeting and sharing of experience of all actors in local life.
For Kaufman & Broad, taking part of the Universités des Mairies allows us to leverage our expertise and know how and gives the teams of Emmanuelle GONZALEZ, Director of the Essonne Agency, the opportunity to meet elected representatives and local authorities to think together about the decisive role of real estate in urban transformation.
Dominique FAURE, Minister Delegate for Territorial Communities, Valérie PECRESSE, President of the President of the Ile-de-France Regional Council, Lamia BENSARA REDA, Mayor of Juvisy sur Orge, and Alexis TEILLET, Mayor of Savigny sur Orge, were present to share these highlights on the Kaufman & Broad stand!